Privacy Policy

Cremolia Hosting protects your personal privacy and security. For us it is important that you feel safe when you provide personal information to us. This Privacy Policy therefore explains how and why Cremolia Hosting collects, uses, discloses and stores your personal information.

  • Basic information

All processing of personal data provided by Cremolia Hosting is in accordance with the Data Protection Ordinance (2016/679) and other relevant legislation. By agreeing to this policy, you acknowledge that we use your personal information in the following ways.

Cremolia Hosting undertakes to only handle personal information in accordance with this policy.

  • When do we process your personal information?

Cremolia Hosting processes your personal information when completing orders, registers an account, visits our site, or uses Cremolia Hosting support services. Processing also occurs when we collect and update your registered data through third parties, such as address or credit information.

  • What personal data is collected?

Cremolia Hosting collects, stores and uses only personal information that is necessary, essential and consistent with the purposes of the services. We may process the following tasks:

Name, social security number, address, telephone number, e-mail address, payment details, username, customer number, order details, order history, account information, IP address and information about your use of the Cremolia Hosting website see separate policy).

As account holder, you can update or change your information at any time by logging in to the “Customer Zone”.

  • Why do we process your personal data and on what legal basis?

Cremolia Hosting deals with personal information to provide our services in an effective manner. We also do so to improve our services to you as a customer. For us to have the right to process your personal information, there must be a legal basis for the treatment. Below we explain why and for what reasons we support the processing of your personal information.

In order to fulfill the Cremolia Hosting agreement, you must process your personal information to fulfill the agreement between us and you as a customer or account holder. For your customer, the processing is necessary for us to implement and deliver your orders, bill and assess which payment methods we can offer you, manage your cases and provide support and good customer service.

Based on your consent, Cremolia Hosting processes personal information based on your consent. This is the case if you want to register an account holding on the “Customer Zone” or gain access to account holdings, such as saving favorites, and handling the issues and complaints more easily. We can also market and adapt offers to you or inform us about our services by post and email, SMS / MMS and web-based newsletters. By approving this policy upon registration, you agree to such processing of your personal information.

After a balance of interests, Cremolia Hosting processes data based on a balance of interest. If you make a purchase with us, we may use your e-mail address to send out advertising and information about our services directly to you. If you oppose the processing of your personal information in this way, we will not do so in the future. We never deal with sensitive personal data based on a balance of interest.

In order to fulfill our legal obligations, Cremolia Hosting deals with personal information to fulfill certain legal obligations. This applies, for example, to treatment that is necessary to fulfill obligations under the Accounting Act.

Automated Decision Making, Cremolia Hosting may in some cases use automated direct marketing decisions if permitted by law or by any other constitution or if you have given your explicit consent to such treatment.

  • How long do we save your personal information?

Cremolia Hosting saves only your personal data if necessary for the treatment. Personal data will be erased when they are no longer relevant for the purposes they have collected.

Cremolia Hosting saves customer information for a maximum of 12 months after the customer last completed a purchase or otherwise interacted with Cremolia Hosting. Name ISP saves information about account holders if there is an account registered on the “Customer Zone”.

Cremolia Hosting may save the data for longer if required to comply with legal requirements or to safeguard Cremolia Hosting’s legal interests, such as if there is a legal process going on.

  • Your rights

Cremolia Hosting is responsible for safeguarding your rights in accordance with the Data Protection Ordinance and other relevant legislation. This means that you are entitled to:

Access your processed personal data. This also means that you are entitled to request a digital print registry of your personal data free of charge.

Request that we correct incorrect, incomplete or misleading information.

Get your data permanently deleted if they are no longer necessary for the purpose they collected or when you no longer agree to the treatment. The right does not apply if there is another legal basis for the treatment or if there is a legal obligation for Cremolia Hosting to process the personal data.

Get the processing of your personal information limited. This means that your personal information is marked so that they can only be processed for specified purposes.

Request to get your personal data in a structured, widely used and digital format and transfer the data from Cremolia Hosting to another personally responsible person (data portability).

Opposition to personal data processing performed based on a balance of interest. If you object to such treatment, we will only continue treatment if there is another legal basis for it.

Oppose your processing of your personal data for direct marketing. Objection to such treatment is by notification via mail to [email protected]. Once we receive your objection, we will discontinue treatment for such marketing purposes.

Submit any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data to the supervisory authority; Data Inspection Board.

Cremolia Hosting will notify any third party who has access to your personal data if any changes are requested to ensure that your rights are recovered as described above.

  • Who do we provide personal information to?

Cremolia Hosting reserves the right to disclose personal data to a third party, such as Cremolia Hosting’s Group companies, partners, and card and communications service providers. To ensure that we have the correct address information for you, Cremolia Hosting may disclose personal data to companies providing address update services.

Third parties may use the information only for selling and marketing Cremolia Hosting’s services or for providing services related to the agreement that applies to a customer or account holder at Cremolia Hosting.

Cremolia Hosting may disclose personal information if it is necessary to comply with applicable laws, to safeguard Cremolia Hosting’s legal interests or to detect, prevent or pay attention to fraud and other security or technical issues.

Cremolia Hosting may transfer personal data to non-EU / EEA countries, if any of Cremolia Hosting’s suppliers or affiliates are located there. If personal data is transferred in this manner, Cremolia Hosting will take the necessary steps to ensure that personal data remain protected in accordance with the Data Protection Ordinance. Cremolia Hosting will also ensure that personal data is transmitted legally and securely.

Cremolia Hosting will not sell personal data to third parties without first obtaining consent to this.

  • Changes to the Personal Data Policy

Cremolia Hosting reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time. Before making any changes, you will be notified. If you do not accept the changes, you have the right to object to the treatment or terminate your account under the “Customer Zone”, which means that we will not be able to obtain or process any further information about you.

  • Cookies

When you visit our website, we use cookies. For more information about how we treat cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.

  • Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We are in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older.

  • Your Consent

By using our site, you consent to our online privacy policy.

  • Contact information for Personal Data Responsible
437 Blackburn St
Claymont, DE 19703 USA
[email protected]